Chris Green Portfolio
Christopher Green is a photographer who makes beautiful panoramic images with intentional gaps between each art piece. The pieces are made using a view camera and sheet film. The project started with significant conversations around brand identity and a survey around how he perceives his brand, and learning about how these fine art pieces are sold to high-profile clients. It was important to portray these without sacrificing the integrity of the gaps as part of the art piece itself. The goal was to tell the story of his art pieces; designed to illuminate a path, to overcome a challenge, to pass through a difficult time. The work can be seen at www.chrisgreen.art
There is a range between 3-7 images per panorama, which means working with different sizes. The challenge to find how to use the gaps to elevate the quality of the pieces, as opposed to being limited by it. The problem was to display his pieces in a way that allows the user to understand this unique concept, compare and filter different works at a glance, and to inspect each piece individually up close.
It was important to show the piece at different viewing distances to satisfy all the user needs. On the gallery page I made the decision to cap the number of images to 5 in one panorama so that the user had an equal way to compare all the images. On the detail page the user could see the panorama larger, and clicking into it showed at full screen. There was also a thumbnail view at the top of the detail page that was sticky with scroll that served as navigation.
Brand identity designer
UI/UX designer
Fine art
Adobe Photoshop
Brand Identity
Visual Design
Creative Direction